Mango Yoghurt
Mango Yoghurt

Mango Yoghurt

Milkymist Curds in set, Diet and pouch forms are of great value to your daily needs. A real value for money product, giving you all the health benets, your family would need.


Product Description

Milkymist Curds in set, Diet and pouch forms are of great value to your daily needs. A real value for money product, giving you all the health benets, your family would need.

Technical Profile

  • Texture – Uniformly smooth & semisolid
  • Odour – Milky and Acidic
  • Fat %
  • NLT 3.0% (Set & Pouch curd)
  • NLT 1.5% (Diet curd)
  • SNF NLT 10%


Nutrients In Yogurt

Yogurt contains energy, protein, carbohydrates, fats, several B complex vitamins especially B2 and B1 in high amounts. Some yogurt may have high folate content depending on the type of lactic acid bacteria like S.thermophilus and Bifidobacteria.

Among the fat soluble vitamins, Vitamin A and E are present in yogurt.

The energy content of yogurt is dependent on whether whole milk, low fat milk or skimmed milk has been used in the preparation of yogurt.

The protein in yogurt is of high quality and in easily digestible form. Yogurt has higher amounts of the amino acids proline and glycine compared to milk and these benefit by increasing the absorption of calcium and boosting immunity levels.

Though the carbohydrates in yogurt of in the form of lactose, fermentation converts about 20-30% of it into glucose and galactose. This makes yogurt easier to digest and is beneficial for those who have difficulty in digesting milk.

The fat content of yogurt varies from 3% for whole fat milk to under 0.3% for non fat milk. The fermentation process breaks down some fats thus increasing the digestibility and absorbability of yogurt. Yogurt also contains higher levels of CLA, a natural fat that boosts immunity and protects against cancer.

As far as the minerals are concerned, yogurt is a rich source of calcium that is in a bio available form. Also, the acidity of the yogurt increases the absorption of minerals like calcium, phosphorus and magnesium while it also reduces the effect of phytic acid which is known to reduce the absorption of minerals especially calcium.

Yogurt also contains good amounts of minerals phosphorus and iodine. A 150 gm serving of whole milk plain yogurt provides 68% of the daily adult requirement of iodine while the same amount of low fat plain yogurt provides 36% of an adult’s daily requirement.

These figures for a child of 6 years are 158% and 85% respectively for iodine. Yogurt can thus be a valuable source of iodine.

Apart from this yogurt also contains magnesium, potassium, zinc, selenium and iron.


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